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Park Highlights

On the beach On the beach
Escape and explore Escape and explore
Surfing nearby Surfing nearby

Discover Crantock Beach

Situated a short 5-minute walk from one of Cornwall’s most famous beaches, the park offers a relaxing, peaceful environment with stunning views and peaceful coastal walks. This picturesque park is the perfect base to explore the best of what Newquay and Cornwall have to offer.

The park features an adventure playground, amusement arcade, fab food and drink and more. Kids will enjoy our Tots’ activities and there’s also lots of fun things to do nearby. Our Crantock Beach park is a great base to explore the beautiful local area.

Something for everyone at Crantock Beach

Family on park Peaceful and relaxing atmosphere
Coastal view Coastal routes to explore
Cornwall village Great base to explore local attractions
Dog on beach Dog friendly

Caravan holidays at Crantock Beach

Explore our range of accommodation


Need to know...

Look below to check the essential features and facilities at Crantock Beach Holiday Park.

  • Adventure playground
  • Wi-Fi in venue
  • Wi-Fi in accommodation from £5.95*
  • Launderette
  • Convenience store

*Park Connect+ Wi-Fi is available in selected accommodation. Please see here for more information and prices.

Park Location

Please find the park address and a downloadable map below. If you have trouble finding us, please don’t hesitate to call the park directly.

Crantock Beach Holiday Park,
Near Newquay,
TR8 5PR.
Crantock map
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